Bowel Cancer Screening

Bowel cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in Australia, approximately 90 Australians die each week from colorectal cancer. Bowel cancer can be treated successfully if detected in its early stages, however, currently fewer than 40 per cent of bowel cancers are detected early.

 If bowel cancer is determined at colonoscopy, referral to a surgeon is usually required.

Screening tests are check-ups done to detect cancer early. Bowel cancer screening reduces the risk of death from bowel cancer.

 Bowel Cancer Risk Assessment

Answering yes to the following questions may indicate the need for a colonoscopy.  Please contact your doctor for help if you believe you can answer yes to more than one of the following questions:

  •  Does anyone in your family have bowel cancer?

  •  Does any family member have polyps?

  •  Have you had previous polyps?

  •  Have you had rectal bleeding?

  •  Have you noticed a recent change in bowel patterns?

  •  Have you had a new abdominal pain or suffered unexplained weight loss?

  •  Have you had a past history of colitis?

  •  Have you unexplained iron deficiency?